25 December 2021, Issue 6

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    Research on the Xu argument
  • WANG Chuming
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 2-7.
    Abstract ( ) Knowledge map Save
    The xu-argument, a newly emerging view on language learning, has received considerable attention largely because it offers a new approach to enhancing pedagogical and methodological efficiency in L2 teaching and learning. In order to make better use of the approach, this paper sets out to reveal the rationale for its high efficiency in promoting L2 learning, and highlight its four key features facilitative of L2 learning efficiency. Specifically, the xu-argument i) addresses a fundamental issue of L2 learning, ii) capitalizes on the asymmetry between language comprehension and production, iii) gives full play to the role of context, and iv) maximizes the alignment effect arising from interaction.
  • ZHANG Sumin
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 8-14.
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    Focusing on the L1 compensation hypothesis, the learn-together-use-together principle, the write-to-learn approach, and the learn-by-CEC (completion, extension and creation) argument, this paper revisits the key terms and main points in the formation and development of the xu-argument. It reviews the efficacy of the xu-argument based continuation tasks on the learning of target language structures and the shift of ways of thinking. The paper concludes that in future continuation tasks could be applied in language testing, academic ability training, and construction of classroom models integrating virtue education into foreign language education, and multiple paradigms could be adopted to analyze the improvement of language skills through continuation tasks in the xu-argument based research.
  • WANG Qi
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 15-22.
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    This study, targeted at English relative clauses and recruiting Chinese EFL learners as the subjects, examined whether aligned output induced by the continuation task facilitated L2 learning. It was found that: (1) the subjects aligned with the preceding text, as manifested in their more production of relative clauses for the text containing the structure than for the text without it, and the aligned output was found to facilitate learning and retaining of the structure; (2) when completing the same reading material with relative clauses, the subjects learned and retained the structure better when there was aligned production of the structure in their continuations than when there was not. These findings indicate that the continuation task facilitates L2 learning mainly due to its alignment effect with aligned output playing a crucial role. Given the status quo of foreign language teaching in China, it is contended that learning by extension should not only enhance learners' spontaneous alignment, but also raise their awareness of conscious alignment to maximize aligned output in the continuation task.
  • JIANG Lin, ZHAN Jianling
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 23-30.
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    This case study probed into the dynamism and interventions of a non-English major's positive L2 self in the iterative continuation task (including 112 individual continuation tasks) over sixteen weeks. It was found that the student's positive L2 self progressed through three stages of change, namely tentative exploration, gradual declination and further development. Meanwhile, “cognitive reframing” and “increasing self-efficacy” could facilitate the development of the student's positive L2 self, but “increasing self-esteem” brought little positive effect. The study provides insights into understanding the dynamic interplay between second language learning behavior and positive psychology so that teachers can design and implement the iterative continuation task more effectively.
  • Experts Forum
  • LI Yinhua
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 31-37.
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    This article presents the thoughts and views of the author as a senior textbook writer on college English coursebook compilation. It first deals with the guiding principles for textbook writing and their theoretical bases, then elaborates the process of textbook compiling step by step, and further brings up four salient points of concern to editors, i.e. appropriate editor qualifications, material selection, word repetition rates and exercise compilation. Finally, the article expounds on the author's reflections and expectations about the coursebook compilation. It highlights the importance of editing creatively and sticking to what you think is right, accentuates the roles of lexical chunks, collocations and usage, and proposes that the FLT theory and system in line with the situation of our country be developed soon, still better quality coursebooks be compiled, textbook writers go professionalized, and credible textbook evaluation platforms be established.
  • Foreign Language Teaching
  • WANG Huihua, SHI Weiping
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 38-45.
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    Based on an analysis of the advantages and misunderstandings of integrated values education (IVE) in foreign language majors, this paper discusses the practical IVE approaches from three dimensions of the development patterns, curriculum field and participants. As for the development patterns, the specification requirements of IVE for foreign language talents are clarified, and an IVE development chain closely attached to the knowledge and ability chains is built, with the aim of linking the course IVE and major IVE. As for the curriculum field, the curriculum field of foreign language majors should be extended on the basis of IVE ideas, and the key elements in the resource-based field and space-based field should be activated and connected for dynamic interaction. As for the participants, teachers, students, CPC members and administrative personnel should form a joint force to achieve synergy of in-class and out-of-class teaching, and enhance the effectiveness of holistic education.
  • FU Ping
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 46-53.
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    This study reviews the theories and literature on classroom thinking culture, and explores the development of classroom thinking culture in higher education from the perspective of pedagogy. Based on foreign language teaching reform and practice, the study puts forward four principles for developing classroom thinking culture in terms of educational goals, teaching environment, teaching content and teaching methods. It proposes five developing strategies, namely specializing classroom thinking objectives, designing teaching activities, adopting question-driven approaches, making two-way reflections and visualizing thinking skills, so as to help students improve critical thinking skills in the classroom thinking culture.
  • WANG Chenxin, LIU Yuanyuan, JIN Hui, ZHU Ye
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 54-62.
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    Based on the Investment Model and language ecology perspective, this study uses the methods of content analysis, discourse analysis, questionnaires and interviews to investigate the language ideologies of society, universities and learners, the interaction among them, and their influence on learners' multilingual learning planning. It is found that there is a coexistence of priority for English and multilingual development in language ideologies at the society and university layers, and both language ideologies have different influences on multilingual learners. Although learners are influenced by language ideologies at different layers, they take their own initiative to do demand-driven individual learning planning. The results can provide implications for planning of foreign language education in China.
  • CAI Chen
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 63-71.
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    With 76 non-English majors as the subjects and through questionnaires, background data analysis and interviews, this study explored the relationship between their affordance perception and English learning engagement in the mobile environment. It found that: (1) the subjects' overall performance of affordance perception and English learning engagement were good, but the imbalance of their internal development still existed; (2) affordance perception had different regression effects on the three sub-items of English learning engagement, and compared with resource affordance and interpersonal affordance, network affordance had better predictive effects on English learning engagement. The findings showed that the affordance perception and English learning engagement were the results of the coupling between learners and the mobile environment, and the internal relationship between them could be influenced by learners' adaptability and initiative.
  • Language Acquisition Research
  • YU Jing, Shaofeng LI
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 72-79.
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    This study uses a questionnaire survey to investigate 443 Chinese postgraduate and undergraduate students' L2 motivational selves in the overseas ESL schooling context in New Zealand. By confirmatory factor analysis, it reveals that the dreaded L2 self is an independent self, not necessarily the negative side of the ideal L2 self in the same domain. Thus, the L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) framework would do well to extend its scope to allow for dreaded L2 self as a separate entity. The study contributes to the literature on L2 motivational possible selves through the inclusion of Markus and Nurius's (1986) “dreaded self” alongside Dörnyei's (2005) L2MSS.
  • WEI Xiaobao, WU Lili, CHEN Xun
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 80-89.
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    The present study, through a questionnaire survey among 929 Chinese non-English major freshmen, examined the influences of emotional intelligence upon L2 willingness to communicate (L2 WTC), and the mediating roles of language mindsets and enjoyment in between. It was found that emotional intelligence could not only predict L2 WTC positively, but also exert an indirect influence upon L2 WTC through a multiple mediation via language mindsets and enjoyment, which gives support to the chain hypothesis, i.e. “emotional intelligence→learners' beliefs→academic emotions→motivated behavior”. The results suggest that the more capable L2 learners are of managing emotions and handling interpersonal relationships, the more willing they would be to communicate in an L2; furthermore, higher emotional intelligence could stimulate learners to view language learning more positively, and invoke more positive emotions in the process of learning, thus motivating them to engage in L2 communication more actively.
  • LI Lingling, ZENG Tianjiao, JIA Guanjie
    Foreign Language World. 2021, 0(6): 90-94.
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    Based on the CSSCI and SSCI journal papers (2000—2020) in the CNKI and Web of Science databases, this paper reviews empirical studies in Chinese and English literature on trilingual language processing since the new century. The findings of the paper reveal that trilingual participants recruited in Chinese and English empirical studies differ in language acquisition orders, language types, language competence assessment, age brackets and health conditions. Regarding experiment methods, behavioral methods are most frequently used in both Chinese and English empirical studies, and diverse cognitive neuroscience methods are employed in English empirical studies. In terms of research topics, both Chinese and English empirical studies prefer lexical and semantic processing whereas English empirical studies also probe into trilingual cognitive advantage and aphasic language processing. In the end, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to innovatively promote the research on trilingual language processing.